Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

The Board of Trustees invites family and friends of the deceased to visit the gravesites of their loved ones. During visits, we ask that you abide by the following rules and regulations.  It is our intention to provide a safe and secure setting for visitors. The District reserves the right to remove items that it deems unsafe.  If you have any concerns, please talk to the Superintendent or Grounds Foreman.

  1. Visitors are welcome to place flowers at the gravesite of loved ones. Please place flowers in the ground flush with the ground and within a one-inch minimum from the marker.  If you wish to place flowers in a different location or use metal stakes to secure them, please confer with the Superintendent for permission.
  2. Temporary flower vases may be used. No glass can be used for safety reasons and containers must not exceed one gallon in size.
  3. For the purpose of mosquito control, mosquito gel is required in all permanent and temporary vases. The Cemetery staff will provide mosquito gel at no cost. The Cemetery staff will remove any vase or container containing water that does not contain the mosquito gel.
  4. Please do not place anything besides water and mosquito gel in flower vases. Items such as sand, gravel, rocks, cement, casting plaster or metal pose a safety hazard.
  5. Please request permission from the Superintendent to place items such as statues, toys, boxes, shells, and breakable objects on the headstone. Pebbles honoring a faith tradition are acceptable when placed on the top of a headstone.
  6. Please respect flowers and plants on any plot for which you do not hold burial rights. Ensure that children do not climb on monuments and are supervised by an adult when visiting the Cemetery.
  7. Please discard dead flowers, old mosquito gel, and other rubbish in containers provided for that purpose.
  8. The Cemetery staff will remove holiday decorations thirty days after the holiday has passed. The staff will also remove dead or faded flowers, as they deem necessary.
  9. The Cemetery staff may trim trees, shrubs, plants, or vines that, in its opinion, are unsightly or unsafe to adjacent plots, paths, streets, or Cemetery grounds.
  10. Please contact the Superintendent if you wish to burn incense on the Cemetery grounds. No combustible materials or alcohol can be left anywhere on the Cemetery grounds.
  11. The Monument regulations establish allowable physical dimensions for memorial markers. All markers must be a minimum of 3 inches thick or set into a 5-inch-thick concrete foundation. Memorial markers can be made of granite, marble, or US standard bronze. The Superintendent must approve any other materials. The burial rights holder may appeal to the Board if he or she disagrees with the Superintendent’s decision.
  12. Only bond-insured companies or individuals can set markers. The maximum number of markers per casket plot is one (1) raised and one (1) flush. Any deviation from this requires superintendent approval.
  13. Memorial Markers Only (MMO) must bear the inscription “MMO” which signifies the gravesite does not contain human remains.
  14. Cemetery staff are prohibited from providing pallbearer assistance.
  15. No opening or closing of a grave, placement of a tree/plant, or any other ornament or device shall be made by anyone except employees of the district.
  16. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to the following:
  • To stop the placement of a gravestone that in its view contains inappropriate language, symbols or pictures
  • To make improvements to the landscaping of the Cemetery grounds
  • To decide all aspects of marker and monument setting, including location, position, orientation, concrete borders, and flower vases

17. The District is not liable for damage, theft, vandalism, or deterioration of markers.