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Davis Cemetery District Special Board Meeting
June 27, 2017 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Davis Cemetery District Special Board Meeting Agenda
Date: 06/27/2017
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: 820 Pole Line Rd., Davis, CA
Call to order/introductions: Chairperson Stephen Souza, Vice Chairperson Bill Marshall, Board members: Dennis Dingemans, Marilyn Mansfield, Larry Dean.
Approval of agenda
Public comment:
Opportunity for members of the public to address the Davis Cemetery District Board on issues related to Davis Cemetery District business but which do not appear on the agenda. The Davis Cemetery District Board reserves the right to impose a reasonable time limit afforded to any one topic or to any individual speaker.
Approval of minutes: None
Consent calendar: None
Correspondence: None
Superintendent’s Report : None
Community Outreach Report : None
Financial Report: None
Old Business: 1. Build -Out Policy considerations
- Request for Equipment Purchase, $11,419.67
New Business: None
Adjournment and scheduling of next meeting: Chairperson
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda was posted on Monday, June 26, 2017 by 4pm at the Davis Cemetery, 820 Pole Line Rd., Davis, CA 95618 by Joe Cattarin, Superintendent.
Draft Cemetery Build-Out Policy
June 26, 2017
To provide direction to the Cemetery Superintendent on phasing of cemetery build-out, including reservation of some areas for interim or future uses, as the Superintendent and/or the Board of Trustees deem appropriate.
The Cemetery District is surrounded by single family residences and two public streets, all of which are within the City of Davis, as is the Cemetery itself. The City of Davis zoning requirements regarding ‘set-backs’ are not applicable to the Cemetery property, except by operation of applicable law.
The Cemetery has the absolute right to sell burial rights and perform interments anywhere on its property, including, but not necessarily limited to, in close proximity to the property lines of the cemetery, subject to the then current provisions of applicable State Law.
Concerns regarding the timing of the cemetery utilizing cemetery lands located near the property lines have been raised by adjacent owner(s)/resident(s) and they have requested “buffer zones” between burial sites and the various property lines of the Cemetery District.
There is no requirement, legal or otherwise, for the Cemetery District to create such “buffer zones”.
The Cemetery District Board wishes to provide direction to the Cemetery Superintendent as to sales, and subsequent use, of plots in accordance with approved plot maps, proposed by the Superintendent or authorized Cemetery staff, and reviewed and/or approved by the Cemetery Board of Trustees.
Currently, there is a maintenance and access roadway along a major portion of the northerly boundary of the Cemetery. It is possible, based on the Superintendent’s discretion and/or recommendation, that additional roadways may be created to fulfill the purposes of the Cemetery’s operations. These may include routes adjacent to abutting properties, and may be interim or long term in nature.
- The Cemetery District Board hereby authorizes the Superintendent to reserve sales of plots, for any plots, where such sales may impede, in the Superintendent’s judgement, maintenance, operational, and/or access purposes. The Superintendent, from time to time, as appropriate, shall inform the Board of Trustees of such reservations.
- The Cemetery Superintendent and Cemetery staff retain full discretion in how and when to sell cemetery plots, consistent with adopted policies and plans. They shall inform the Board of any proposed changes to such plans and/or policies.
- No encumbrance, implied or otherwise, prescriptive easement, or other restriction is created nor implied by this policy. The Cemetery Board retains the right to modify or repeal this policy within its sole discretion at any time, upon recommendation(s) by the Superintendent, and as may be governed by applicable State and local codes applicable to public cemeteries. As burial space is utilized, over time, it is to be expected that eventually all space may be utilized, within the Cemetery property lines, and the Cemetery Board of Trustees asserts and maintains all rights to do so.