- This event has passed.
Davis Cemetery District Board Meeting
June 20, 2018 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Davis Cemetery District Board Meeting
4:00 pm Open to the Public
Davis Cemetery District Board Meeting
Date: 6/20/2018
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: 820 Pole Line Rd., Davis, CA
Call to order/introductions: Chairperson Larry Dean, Vice Chairperson Stephen Souza, Board members: Dennis Dingemans, Marilyn Mansfield, Bill Marshall.
Approval of agenda
Public comment:
Opportunity for members of the public to address the Davis Cemetery District Board on issues related to Davis Cemetery District business but which do not appear on the agenda. The Davis Cemetery District Board reserves the right to impose a reasonable time limit afforded to any one topic or to any individual speaker.
Announcements: None
Approval of minutes: Approval of May 2018 meeting minutes
Consent calendar: None
Correspondence: Letter
Superintendent’s Report: Written and verbal.
Community Outreach Report: Written and Verbal.
Financial Report: Written and verbal.
Old Business:
- Update on status of Patrea Marchand report
- Jul 12 meeting
- Hold on completion and approval of new policies and procedures until after Patrea’s report
- Review and approval of 2018/2019 Budget including:
- Update of 2017/2018 YTD actuals and Total Year Forecasts compared to proposed budget
- Review of any line item changes from budget proposed by staff in May meeting.
- Review of burial quantities by type and analysis of impact of prior pricing changes
- Review of any proposed pricing actions
- Roadway Expansion Project
- Plot expansion needs and timing
New Business:
- Election of new board officers.
- Pay raises: for employees who are at the top of their pay charts
- FY 18-19 Budget
Adjournment and scheduling of next meeting: Chairperson
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda was posted on Friday, June 15, 2018 by 4pm at the Davis Cemetery, 820 Pole Line Rd., Davis, CA 95618 by Kristi Dvorak, Community Outreach Director