Cremation Garden Now Open

The Davis Cemetery District is pleased to announce the installation of our first cremation garden. This garden features a series of connecting pathways, beautiful landscaping, and the potential for bench donations.

Interment Options

Inground Cremation Niche: Can hold up to two sets of cremains and includes the cost of engraving and basic clip art.

Plot: $3,000

Endowment: $500

Open/Close: $650

Total for single interment: $4,150

Total for companion interment: $4,800

Inground Double Cremation Plots: The garden offers a variety of double cremation plots with the option for an upright headstone. Based on the plot location, you can choose a pillow top, 24″ slant, or 3′ upright marker. Each plot is marked with the headstone restrictions. It is our hope as families inter within the gardens, they become active in choosing the plants that are incorporated into the beds.

Plot: $1,600

Endowment: $500

Open/Close: $700

Total for single interment: $2,800

Total for companion interment: $3,500

Above Ground Double Cremation Niche Pedestals: Each niche can hold up to two sets of cremains and includes the cost of engraving and basic clip art.

Plot: $3,000

Endowment: $500

Open/Close: $650

Total for single interment: $4,150

Total for companion interment: $4,800

______  Historical Construction Information ______

Board of Trustee Approved Timeline




Under Construction – Below are pictures of the basic layout of the cremation garden. The next step will be the installation of our inground niche plots, followed by weed barrier, and landscaping! For more information about this area or to suggest landscaping, please email Jess Smithers at

As of May 15, 2024 – In ground niche plots installed by grounds crew member, Dylan Weiss. Landscaping is being installed by ground crew member, David Crowley.


As of June 18, 2024 – All 12 in ground niche plots have been installed by grounds crew member, Dylan Weiss. Landscaping / mulching is being installed by ground crew member, David Crowley. The next steps of this project include finalizing plot layout, additional landscaping, and the installation of a solar tower.