The Davis Cemetery is pleased to announce new interment options, located in the southwest corner of the cemeteries center lawn. The cremation garden features a series of connecting pathways, freshly planted pollinator landscaping and trees, solar lighting, and the opportunity for memorial bench donations. It is our hope as families inter within the gardens, they become active in choosing the plants that are incorporated into the beds.
Inground Cremation Niche: Each niche can hold up to two sets of cremains and includes the cost of engraving and basic clip art.
Niche Plot: $3,000 Endowment: $500
Open/Close: $650 Total for single interment: $4,150 Total for companion interment: $4,800 |
Inground Double Cremation Plots: The garden offers a variety of double cremation plots with the option for an upright headstone. Based on the plot location, you can choose a pillow top, 24″ slant, or 3′ upright marker. Each plot is marked with the headstone size restriction.
Plot: $1,600 Endowment: $500
Open/Close: $700 Total for single interment: $2,800 Total for companion interment: $3,500 |
Coming Soon Above Ground Double Cremation Niche Pedestals: Each niche can hold up to two sets of cremains and includes the cost of engraving and basic clip art. Below are sample photos of the pedestals and the Rosa Perino granite color. Pricing to be determined in February 2024.
Current Cremation Garden Perennial Plant Identification List:
Plant Photo: | Plant Name: | Plant Type: |
Flowering Plum ‘Krauter Vesuvius’ | Tree | |
Lantana ‘Landmark Blaze’ | Perennial | |
Spanish Lavender | Perennial | |
Sage ‘Marvel’ | Perennial | |
Lantana ‘Bloomify Rose’ | Perennial |
Verbena “Pink Obsession’ | Perennial | |
Bacopa ‘Snowflake’ | Perennial |
Ginko ‘Gold Flame’ | Tree |
Asparagus Fern | Perennial | |
Tropical Nemesia | Perennial |